In Compliance with Sec. 43 of GCG MC 2012-07
SEC. 43. Mandatory Website. – In accordance with Section 25 of the Act, all GOCCs shall maintain a website and post therein for unrestricted public access:
I. On Institutional Matters
- For non-chartered GOCCs, latest GIS, Brief Company Background including date of incorporation, history, functions, and mandate
- List of Subsidiaries and Affiliates
II. On Board and Officers
- Complete Listing of the Directors and Officers with attached resume and their membership in Board Committees
- 2023-2029
- 2016-2022
- Board Committee Membership
- Complete Compensation Package of all the Board members and officers, including travel, representation, transportation and any form of expenses or allowances
- Information on Board Committees and their activities
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- Attendance Record of Directors in Board Committee Meetings
- Attendance Record of Directors in Board Meetings
III. On Financial and Operational Matters
- Latest Audited Financial Report and Performance Report within 30 days from receipt of such Report
- Quarterly Reports and Trial Balance
- Current Corporate Operating Budget
- Local and Foreign Borrowings
- Government subsidies and net lending
- All borrowings guaranteed by the Government
- Any material risk factors and measures taken to manage such risks
- Performance Evaluation System (Validation results)
IV. On Governance Matters