LCMP Documentary Requirements:

Filled up Pro-forma Application Form;

An updated inventory of local housing backlog;

Municipal/City Council Resolution for the creation of a Local Housing Board (LHB) with equitable multi sectoral representation that must have a NGO/PO representative involved in housing and urban development;

Municipal/City Council approved organizational structure and personnel complement of the unit/department in-charge of socialized housing or other housing programs;

Municipal/City Council Resolution authorizing the Local Chief Executive to make a refundable cash deposit equivalent to six (6) months amortization of CA loan in favor of SHFC as performance warranty for the project/s to be enrolled under the OCL as well as authorizing the said Local Chief Executive to sign, negotiate and transact with SHFC and other LCMP partners to fully operationalize and implement LCMP in the locality;

Municipal/City Council Resolution specifying the list of priority projects together with its respective funding allocations;

Project Profile of projects to be enrolled including:

  1. Appraisal Report; and
  2. Masterlist of Beneficiaries.

Municipal/City approved Ordinance indicating the procedure and criteria for accreditation of CMP Mobilizers;

An updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and Comprehensive Shelter Plan (CSP) approved by LHB;

Municipal/City Council ratified Annual Investment Plan (AIP) indicating the prioritized LCMP project/s for the year and the approved regular budget allocation for housing; and

Commission on Audit (COA) Audited Financial Statements for the past three (3) years.


  1. SHFC shall evaluate the submitted documents as to completeness and authenticity.
  2. To ensure the viability of the project, SHFC shall conduct a background investigation with regard to the occupancy of the MBs. It shall also validate the LGU appraisal of the project. Both activities shall be made prior to accreditation and granting of OCL to the prospective Partner-LGU.
  3. SHFC shall present a report regarding the results of the evaluation for approval by the Credit Committee of SHFC.
  4. Upon accreditation and approval of the OCL, a MOA shall be executed between SHFC and the partner-LGU.
  5. SHFC shall subsequently conduct trainings, orientations and seminars for partner-LGUs on the roles, duties and responsibilities to the implementation of LCMP


After the partner-LGU completes the full LCMP processing cycle for each project, it shall submit all of the loan documents required under the new revised CMP guidelines to SHFC in four (4) sets including a certification from the Landowner that he/she has received full payment of the twenty-five percent (25%) for 1st to 4th class or ten percent (10%) for 5th or 6th class cities and municipalities as partner-LGU participation of the project (for privately-owned land).

The partner-LGU shall likewise include its warranty on the project stating the following:

Warranty issued by the partner-LGU

  1. The CA is a bonafide association and its acts are the voluntary acts of the members for the purpose of acquiring and keeping the property for themselves; and that the CA MBs are the rightful occupants of the property and are aware of their obligations under the CMP;
  2. The MBs have not availed of any government housing program;
  3. The physical existence of the identified project/s has been established; The TCT is authentic and is free from liens and encumbrances; and the registered owner, for privately owned property, is still living; and
  4. Any violation of any warranty shall be a ground for SHFC to impose any or all of the penalties provided under Section 11 of the Amended Implementing Guidelines for the LCMP thereof, without prejudice to resort to other remedies as provided for by law.


SHFC’s processing time for the release of loan proceeds shall not exceed thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the complete set of LCMP documents from the partner-LGU.